Meaning Weighted Average Cost of Gas
What does Weighted Average Cost of Gas mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Weighted Average Cost of Gas. You can also add a definition of Weighted Average Cost of Gas yourself


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Weighted Average Cost of Gas

Measurement calculated by the average cost of all purchases weighted by the volumes taken at various prices. Usually referenced for interstate pipelines as a benchmark (floor) in conjunction with spec [..]


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Weighted Average Cost of Gas

The total cost of all natural gas purchased during a base period divided by either the total quantity purchased (unit of production) or the system throughput (unit of sales) during the same period.


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Weighted Average Cost of Gas

The weighted average unit cost of a supply of natural gas. WACOG is calculated as the total cost of all natural gas purchased during a base period divided by either the total quantity purchased (unit of production) or the system throughput (unit of sales) during the same period.


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Weighted Average Cost of Gas

The weighted average unit cost of a supply of natural gas. WACOG is calculated as the total cost of all natural gas purchased during a base period divided by either the total quantity purchased (unit of production) or the system throughput (unit of sales) during the same period.

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